1. Support standard capitalization of "au" in units parsing
2. Add location code ST (Statio) for landing sites
3. Localization update
4. Data update (ISS has been removed)
5. Fix bugs
1. Fix bugs
2. Data update (ISS has been removed)
1. Fix bugs
2. General data updates
1. Update design in Search
2. Update interaction (Settings/Interaction)
Core updates:
1. Update number formatting in HUD
2. Update star browser logic
3. Fix irregular galaxies' brightness
App updates:
Toolbar customization
Core updates:
1. Calculate density for all bodies without geometry
2. Update number formatting
3. Localization updates (Belarusian, Simplified Chinese)
Content updates:
1. Add masses for the solar system bodies
2. Localization updates (Belarusian)
Introducing Celestia PLUS subscription
1. Customize the visual appearance of Celestia
2. Get latest add-ons, updates, and trending add-ons
3. Receive timely feedback on feature requests and bug reports
Core updates:
1. Add Georgian localization
2. Update Belarusian localization
Content updates:
1. Add Georgian localization
Introducing Celestia PLUS subscription
1. Customize the visual appearance of Celestia
2. Get latest add-ons, updates, and trending add-ons
3. Receive timely feedback on feature requests and bug reports
1. Resolved an issue where multiple pages of an add-on is opened when tapping quickly
2. Resolved an issue where incorrect add-on status might be shown
3. Moved zoom in/out from toolbar to Camera Control
4. Added search to toolbar
Core updates:
1. Updated Russian localization
2. Resolved an issue where some add-ons appears completely dark
Content updates:
1. Standardise Bayer designations
1. Add settings for object selection sensitivity
2. Add settings for disabling context menu
3. Send the report ID if the last session has crashed
4. Add support for using paths in object name input
Core updates:
1. Use geodetic coordinates for locations
2. Update Italian localization
3. Unbind key "D" to the demo script
4. Use star color to tint atmospheres
5. Better formatting of time display
Content updates:
1. Update globular and open cluster catalog
1. Move latitude to before longitude
2. Add input validation
3. Add support for setting time via Julian day
4. Add more star colors
5. Fix incorrect RA displayed in Info panel
Core updates:
1. Enable meshoptimizer
2. Use libjpeg-turbo instead of jpeg
App updates:
1. Added link to online About page and removed link to forum
2. Added "Get Info" option in context menu
3. Added support for copying text in Favorites -> Destinations
4. Added settings to Current Time in Time Control
5. Added a feedback option
Core updates:
1. Fixed reading 3DS smoothing groups
2. Calculate planets shading in fragment shaders
Content updates:
1. Added star and exoplanet names
2. Fixed star orbits for incorrectly reversed binaries
Core updates:
1. Added support for RTL
2. Added support for loading galaxy templates from an addon directory
3. Added a method to change asterisms in runtime
4. Removed the load fragment script commands
5. Fixed depth sorting for nebulae
Content updates:
1. Minor update to nearstars.stc
2. Remove duplicate star
Fix sharing
1. Added setting for tinted illumination saturation (Settings -> Star Styles)
2. Added setting for star colors (Settings -> Star Styles)
3. Added setting for game controller actions (Settings -> Game Controller)
4. Added setting for custom flight mode (Camera Control -> Flight Mode)
5. Show error message from core
Core updates:
1. Update galaxy and globular rendering
2. Performance improvements
3. Avoid crashing on bad models
1. Add support for system per-app language on Android 13
2. Update the search view to material design
3. Add setting for Script System Access Policy
Core updates:
1. Enable the new line renderer
2. Update globular and galaxy rendering
3. Fix ring rendering with textures with width > 1
4. Fix virtual texture usage
5. Preserve ShowHorizonGrid and ShowEcliptic in cel URLs
6. Add Position field to the stc file
Content updates:
1. Total locations update. adds Ceres, fixes Puck
1. Minor UI updates
2. Use system sharing sheet for sharing actions
1. Add monochrome icon for Android T
2. Full support for Material You
3. Update design of Go to Object page
4. Minor data and Earth texture update
5. Fix bugs
Fix bugs
1. Add native support for x86_64 devices
2. Fix bugs
1. Fix parsing and display of luminosity classes Ia-0, Ia, and Ib
2. Add paging support for add-on loading
3. Update star & exoplanet databases
1. February 2022 exoplanet update.
2. Added support for rich description in add-ons.
3. Added support for running cel/celx scripts in WebView inside Celestia.
4. Added a "News Archive" entry in main menu where you can browse more Celestia news
5. Star Browser now shows nearest/brightest stars based on observer location.
6. Added support for installing to external storage.
1. Data updates
2. Added support for temperature scale setting (Settings -> Measure Units)
3. Added support to display localized date and time (Settings -> Date Format -> Default)
4. Added support for sharing an add-on and support for opening add-ons from https://celestia.mobi/resources/
5. Added an option to uninstall without losing data on Android Q and later
1. Fix bugs
Recent updates:
1. Update textures for Pluto, Charon, Galilean moons, stars, and exoplanets
2. Added speed control overlay
3. Fix the issue of duplicate search results
1. Update textures for Pluto, Charon, Galilean moons, stars, and exoplanets
2. Added speed control overlay
3. Fix the issue of duplicate search results
Recent updates:
1. Support specifying frame rate for rendering
2. Support for basic game controller input
3. Add localized names for stars and deep sky objects
4. Add support for imperial unit system
Default frame rate is 60FPS on all devices, change in Settings -> Frame Rate
1. Update textures for Pluto, Charon, Galilean moons, stars, and exoplanets
2. Added speed control overlay
3. Fix the issue of duplicate search results
Recent updates:
1. Support specifying frame rate for rendering
2. Support for basic game controller input
3. Add localized names for stars and deep sky objects
4. Add support for imperial unit system
Default frame rate is 60FPS on all devices, change in Settings -> Frame Rate
1. Update textures for Pluto, Charon, Galilean moons, stars, and exoplanets
2. Added speed control overlay
3. Fix the issue of duplicate search results
Recent updates:
1. Support specifying frame rate for rendering
2. Support for basic game controller input
3. Add localized names for stars and deep sky objects
4. Add support for imperial unit system
Default frame rate is 60FPS on all devices, change in Settings -> Frame Rate
1. Support specifying frame rate for rendering
2. Support for basic game controller input
3. Add localized names for stars and deep sky objects
4. Add support for imperial unit system
Default frame rate is 60FPS on all devices, change in Settings -> Frame Rate
1. Bottom sheet is used in most cases, and interaction is enabled with the sheet present
2. Fixed the issue star labels are rendered behind stars
3. Fixed the issue that some models with DXT1 textures are displayed incorrectly
4. Support sharing bookmarks
5. Fix bugs
1. Support for portrait mode
2. Support for running the universe without the Sun
3. Fixed an issue where URLs with Greek letters don't open correctly
1. Add back support for older links
2. Add support for link preview in Info screen
3. Add support to hide control view
4. Fix crashing choosing custom data location
We have some new great spacecraft add-ons made by Endeavor35, be sure to check them out in Add-ons!
1. Support text wrapping
2. Add go to view
Mobile Celestia for Android 1.0